【6/20】ブダペストでも、こうじづくり!発酵デザイナーの海外出張 @IPC2016

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春先に、僕の英語のインタビューを読んで「麹の話、めっちゃ面白いね〜。ところで僕、今度君の興味ありそうな学会やるんだけど」とメッセージをくれた大学教授、Alojz Bombaさん。

Bombaさんがオーガナイズしているのは『International Scientific Conference Probiotics and Prebiotics』。ざっくり言えば「健康機能性食品国際シンポジウム」で、主催者の皆さまが日本の発酵食文化に大注目しているそうな。



“I am pleased to inform you that the renown fermentation evangelist Mr. Hiraku Ogura will hold a workshop at IPC2016





The ‘culture’ behind more than 2000 years of Japanese food fermentation – A handy Koji workshop at IPC2016

I am pleased to inform you that the renown fermentation evangelist Mr. Hiraku Ogura will hold a workshop at IPC2016  on the use and preparation of Aspergillus oryzae – Koji – for everyday fermentation.

Ogura san is fermentation designer and evangelist with a mission to educate the world about a more than 2000 years old Japanese fermentation tradition. Ogura san spends much of his time exploring and researching all things about fermentation. At the workshop he will share his knowledge on Koji, explains and demonstrate how to prepare and use koji in everyday life.

Japan features one of the most unique and refined fermentation processes around. Central to this is the koji mold – Aspergillus oryzae – which is unique to Japan.

The workshop aims to give participants a firsthand experience that uses the five senses. Ogura san  will share also basic knowledge about koji as a living organism.

“Making koji is a great open-source technology that has been handed down for more than 2,000 years,” according to Ogura san. “I hope to pass on this method to as many people as possible”

Date: Monday 20th June, starting time 18:00, Place: Marriott Hotel Budapest

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