【47 Hakko Hyogo】兵庫の清酒 Seishu 〜肉体労働の疲れを癒やす 力強く澄み切った酒〜

▶︎ 読みもの, 発酵あれこれ, 47都道府県の発酵,


Crystal clean and powerful sake that heals the physically fatigued laborers
Seishu, the generic local name for “refined sake” was born from an innovative approach taken in the districts of Harima and Nada in Hyogo Prefecture to refine doburoku (unrefined, often home-brewed sake) that was made from fermenting amazake (sweet sake often used for seasoning) mixed with water and koji basically through the following steps that are considered as the standard sake-brewing process today: ①Start the preparation during the winter period when the growth of bacteria is inhibited; ②Create a yeast starter that is highly resistant to decay by bringing in wild lactic acid bacteria; ③Add rice, koji and water little by little in a huge barrel, and ferment them in three phases. In Awajishima, an island in Hyogo Prefecture, there are breweries that still follow the traditional method of creating seishu. This smooth, but quite acidic, sake is reminiscent of the old days when the fishers and farmers used to drink it abundantly to heal themselves from their long day of physical labor, and continues to be widely supported today by sake lovers from all walks of life.

どう作って食べるか / HOW TO MAKE & EAT

★ 酒母のつくりかた、発酵と熟成のコンディション管理や期間で蔵の個性が出る。

❶Create a yeast starter in a small container by mixing koji, rice and water and letting them ferment.
❷Transfer the yeast starter in a big tank, and continue adding small quantities of koji, rice and water in three phases until the tank is filled up with fermented liquid.
❸Let the fermentation progress for a while until sufficient amount of alcoholic substance is generated.
❹Squeeze the mash, and filter the fermented liquid further until the liquid becomes crystal clear. Heat the liquid to a little higher than 60°C to stop the fermentation (enzymatic action). After it is cooled down, the liquid is ready to be shipped as sake.
★ The sake brewers compete their originality by developing secret methods of creating their yeast starter, and establishing their own formula on the conditions and length of fermentation and aging.

As regularly accessible type of sake

食べられている地域 / Regions where it is eaten
Nationwide in Japan

微生物の種類 / Types of microorganisms
Koji-kin, yeast, nitrate-reducing bacteria, lactic acid bacteria, etc.

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