Kaki-no-ha Sushi : The Mountain Sushi Connecting Humanity with the Gods
Chizu, a town deep in the mountains. It is here, on a small hill, that you will find Masako Kunimasa making kaki-no-ha sushi (persimmon leaf sushi). Unlike the Kansai style oshizushi (pressed sushi) varieties, in which rice is pressed inside persimmon leaves, Kunimasa-san’s kaki-no-ha sushi are made with pressed rice resting atop the leaves, with toppings and spices on top of the rice. The green leaves, white rice, and pink fish toppings form an adorable, vivid visual spectacle. Traditionally dozens would be prepared all at once, and eaten as part of shojin-otoshi (marking the end of a period of abstaining from eating things which had been killed) at the end of the o-bon festival, together with extended family and or at a feast with the village community. It is a typically Japanese “mountain sushi” symbolically bridging people with their faith and ancestors.
どう作って食べるか / HOW TO MAKE & EAT
★ 発酵しないうちに食べると甘酸っぱいフレッシュな味。 発酵が進むと酸味とコクが効いた旨味の強い味に。 どちらを選ぶかは人の好みだそう。。
❶Press sakura-trout and vinegared rice on top of persimmon leaves to form sushi.
❷Sprinkle seasonal herbs such as sansho (Japanese pepper) peppercorns and thorns to accentuate the flavor.
❸Put several layers of these into a pail, and allow them to ferment for one to five days.
★ If eaten without fermenting, the kaki-no-ha sushi has a refreshing, sweet-sour flavor. As they ferment, they develop a stronger sour and umami flavor. Both are enjoyed for different taste preference.
Eaten together in family groups or village communities
▶食べられている地域 / Regions where it is eaten
Pressed rice style: From Chizu, all throughout Tottori and Ishikawa Oshizushi style: Wakayama, Nara
▶微生物の種類 / Types of microorganisms
Acetic bacteria, lactic acid bacteria